How A PGDM Course Outweighs MBA?

Benefits of PGDM | Image Resource :
The PGDM course is for those who want to work in the management and go up the corporate ladder. This course teaches you about how to handle men, resources and read the market efficiently. PGDM details ranked several institutions around the country for your convenience to opt for the top institutes.
As is the case, PGDM is unique in India as no other country has management courses by two different names. The ministry of HRD is thinking about disbanding the term PGDM, and retaining the term MBA. In this regard they have sent notice to the PGDM institutes to get affiliated to universities. As the institutes get affiliated to a university they can award MBA degrees for their PGDM courses.
Benefits of PGDM over MBA
However there are a lot of factors that will highlight the benefits of PGDM. Some of these are mentioned below. Take a look.
1. PGDM course is offered by autonomous institutions and as a result of this, the syllabus keeps on changing time to time and almost every year depending on the current trend. This helps the students to get knowledge based on the present scenario. But it is not the same in case of MBA, where the courses are offered under the university and by managing so many colleges and institutions; it thus becomes tough for the universities to change the syllabus every year. Thus the benefits of PGDM can be easily seen. The universities change their syllabus once in every two to three years, and there is a chance that the students lack behind.
2. In a PGDM course, you can opt for different specializations just like MBA courses. But PGDM course also allows you to have triple specializations at the same time. The advantage of PGDM is immense in such cases.
3. Correspondence PGDM is again another popular option among the aspirants and this factor makes it easy for the working class also. To increase the chances of getting promoted along with many years of work experience, this course can help in facilitating this process.
While there are so many advantages, at the same time, it is crucial enough to get this degree from a reputed institution. This is only when the proper weightage of the course can be seen in a professional life. While getting a certificate has immense importance, if you are spending so many bucks for this course, the certificate then must show you its advantages.